
Easy-To-Use Tools for Every Discord Developer

What is DiscordDevTools?

DiscordDevTools is a (not yet) gigantic place full of tools that help other developers on Discord finish their projects faster, without the need to struggle with small bugs as everything on here should work perfectly.

The best part of it is that you do not have to install anything locally on your computer, nor do you have to sign in with Discord or even create a login! My tools will, whenever possible, always be API(-like) services and all you have to do is to send a get/post request to my server and that's it!

Being able to make everything on a project yourself is always a great feeling, but instead of working hours, days or even weeks on simple functions, use the tools on here like a template to get a headstart on your project release and whenever you feel you're ready, switch over to your own code or stay with the tools I provide here!

If you ever need help, feel free to contact me directly or join my Discord Server!


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Fast. Efficient. Simple!

We all know how annoying it can be to not be able to continue a project because of a tiny bug that keeps us busy for hours or even days. So why even bother finding the bug when you have a finished code right here? My tools will speed up your coding process and you get the advantage of publishing your project earlier and once you had the time to make everything yourself, you can leave the program of course and just use it as a temporary solution.

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User Friendly

As mentioned on the previous point, I want all developers, no matter their level, to be able to have that great feeling of finishing a brand new, working project. This is why I made all tools as user-friendly as possible, so you don't have to spend hours on reading documentations or watching tutorials.

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Completely Free!

I think that every developer should have the chance to work on their projects fluently, without bumping into any big problems. Thats why, no matter how much money or developing experience you have or how many times you'll use my tools, everything will stay completely free! Though, a little donation is always welcomed if you do want to support my work. :)

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Everything Is Safe

Security is a big topic many people talk about nowadays, as hackers become more and more experienced in what they do and manage to get sensitive data from users or temporarily disable entire networks. To protect you, as well as me, I added lots of extra steps a hacker would need to pass through and even if they managed to get access, they wouldn't be able to get anything from you since I do not store IPs in a file or anything else from developers that use my tools or require you to log in with Discord.